May 11, 2006
Name of things
In spite of uniqueness of MPS, it turned out, that there is taxonomy the MPS nicely falls within.
Thanks to the The Program Transformation Wiki now I know exactly what we are and where we are.
MPS is a ProgramRefinement tool, that is specific case of ProgramSynthesis tool, that is kind of ProgramTranslation tool, that is sort of ProgramTransformation tool.
Surprisingly, MPS is not a CodeGeneration tool as we used to believe.
In this connection I recall quite long discussion "What about tree rewriting?" in MPS's forum.
Now this discussion could be pretty short:
Karsten Wagner: What about tree rewriting?
Me: sorry, we are working on the transformation.translation.synthesis.refinement tool.
What you need is probably a transformation.rephrasing.normalization.desugaring tool or like.
Posted by Igor Alshannikov at 02:34 AM | Comments (0)
May 09, 2006
DSLs synergy
In the build 262 we've reached an important milestone because for the first time it was shown how quite different DSLs can be glued together in MPS.
First, the baseLanguage got an extension - smodelLanguage - specifically focused on manipulation with our models.
Next, we've injected baseLanguage into the editorLanguage and got the elegant blend of declarative and imperative code customizing the editor behavior (that is, cell's keymaps/action-maps).
Before we widely used bare java code (query-methods) to fill gaps and flaws in our mostly declarative DSLs. The 'query-methods' are static methods with wild names and no documentation, have been source of complaints and now they are going away!
I'm very excited about that partially because there was no secret magic, no hacks. Everything is in naked models. And not tricky at all. Doesn't need extraordinary capabilities :) , just skills.
We are moving on. Since the last build, smodelLanguage has been refined and enriched with many new operations. In the editor language all 'rendering conditions' of cells are now written into the embedded codeblocks.
compare the 'query-method':
and embedded code:
I've found that using DSLs is not only more efficient and safe - it's amusing!
Posted by Igor Alshannikov at 05:01 AM | Comments (2)
May 04, 2006
MPS generators : weaving and mapping rules
One of the most interesting and powerfull parts of MPS is it's generators framework. Many EAP members would want to create their own generator for their languages but we don't have documentation about it now and existing generators aren't very easy to understand.
Recently I worked on support for SemanticWeb in MPS. Now we have language that correspond to OWL and RDF. In RDF all information is stored in triples of subject object and predicate for example MPS-authorIs-JetBrains. But this presenatation isn't very easy to work with from object oriented languages. We need something like OR mapping but instead of relational databases we have RDF triples files. Of course OWL classes are much richer than classes in Java but in simplest cases it's possible to generate stubs from them.
Lets consider the code that we want to generate. We have a RDF schema that looks like this in MPS editor:
We want to generate code like this from this schema:
public class Issue { public static String ISSUE_PRIORITY = "issuePriority"; ... public Instance myInstance; public SModelDescriptor mySchema; public Issue(SModelDescriptor schema, Instance instance) { this.myInstance = instance; this.mySchema = schema; } ... public void setTitle(String newValue) { SProperty property = OWLModelUtil.getSPropertyDeclaration(Issue.TITLE, this.mySchema.getSModel()); Triple triple = OWLModelUtil.prepareTripleForSubjectAndPropertyInModel(this.myInstance.getModel(), this.myInstance, property); if(newValue == null) { newValue = ""; } TextExpression textExpression = TextExpression.newInstance(this.myInstance.getModel()); textExpression.setText(Parser.parseText(newValue, this.myInstance.getModel())); triple.setObject(textExpression); } public String getTitle() { SProperty property = OWLModelUtil.getSPropertyDeclaration(Issue.TITLE,this.mySchema.getSModel()); Triple triple = OWLModelUtil.getPropertyValueTriple(this.myInstance, property); return OWLModelUtil.getTripleObjectString(triple); } ... }
We generate stub java class for each OWL class and manager that will help us to create new instances of this class find them, delete them, etc. Instance here is an OWL instance. OWLModelUtil is utility class that helps us to work with triples. This code is trivial but we don't want to write it by hands. Code generation will work very well in this situation.
In MPS generators consist of three kinds of rules:
- Mapping rules This rules map one concept instance to another. For example we map ConceptDeclaration to its stub class or ConceptEditorDeclaration to its *_Editor class. Each mapping declaration is associated with a template.
- Weaving rules This rules modify existing node that created with mapping rule by adding new child to it. For example in our example we use this rules to add getter/setter methods to stub classes.
- Reduction rules This rules are used for defining language extensions and we won't consider them in this post.
Lets look at rules of this generator:

It has two mapping rules : one to generate OWL classes stubs and one for managers. Also it has two weaving rules to generate getters and setters of different kinds.
Each mapping rule has a query that finds nodes to generate from and template that is applied to each of source nodes. Both of our mapping rules have the same code :
public static List templateMappingRule_SourceQuery_AllOWLClasses(ITemplateGenerator generator) { List result = new ArrayList(); result.addAll(SModelUtil.allNodes(generator.getSourceModel(), SClass.class, new Condition() { public boolean met(SClass object) { return !(object instanceof AnonymousSClass); } })); return result; }
Lets look at class stub template:
Lets look at manager template:
In this template some fragments of code marked with the sign $. This means that it'll be replaced with something that depends on context during generation. We have a lot of different kinds of macros but most important of them are property macros, reference macros and link macros.
We also have a weaving rules. Each weaving rule has a template and two queries. One query returns list of nodes that used for changing maing node. In our case it is a OWL property that'll getter and setter methods to class from its domain. Second query finds node that we'll change. It should return instance of INodeBuilder. In our case to each class we have one node builder (that builds java stub). Following code finds it :
public static INodeBuilder templateWeavingRule_Context_weaving_OWLProperty_context(SNode sourceNode, ITemplateGenerator generator) { SProperty property = (SProperty) sourceNode; SClassReference ref = (SClassReference) property.getDomain(); return generator.findNodeBuilderForSource(ref.getReferentClass(), "classStub"); }
Lets look closer to weaving rules template. They has slightly different structure than templates of mapping rules.
This is a template for simple property:

This is a template for text property:

Some parts of weaving rules templates are selected with <TF...TF>. This means that this parts of code will be inserted to its context.
Posted by Konstantin Solomatov at 04:58 PM | Comments (0)
May 03, 2006
The First Entry
This is the first entry of MPS blog. We started it and we are going to write here about new and existing features of MPS and about language oriented programming in general.
Posted by Konstantin Solomatov at 02:13 PM | Comments (0)